Summer is almost here! Whether you are hiking, biking or spending the day at the pool, it is important to stay hydrated. The rule of thumb is that for exercise lasting 1-2 hours, plain water is fine. Activities of longer duration need some electrolyte replacement.
The electrolytes in our bodies are basically sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, bicarbonate, and phosphate. These electrolytes are vital for survival. They regulate nerve and muscle function, hydration and pH of our blood. They rebuild damaged tissue and affect our blood pressure.
Commercially available sports drinks are loaded with sugar (often high fructose corn syrup – Yuck) and artificial colorings and flavors. None of these are good for you or your children and basically interfere with the important functions of the electrolytes they are providing. So, my advice, make your own. These recipes are so simple, delicious and healthy!
Bright ‘n Early
- 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
- 1/2 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
- 1 ½ to 2 cups of fresh water
- 1/8 teaspoon of sea salt
- 2 tablespoons natural sugar or honey, to taste
*Add everything to a blender and blend until the honey is dissolved, or just mix very well by hand. Add a few ice cubes if desired.
- 1⅓ cups watermelon juice (from about 2 cups of chopped fruit)
- ⅔ cup coconut water
- a few leaves of mint (optional)
- a good pinch of sea salt
*Blend the watermelon (and mint if you are using) in a blender. Combine with the coconut water and stir in the salt until dissolved. Serve over ice. (As an alternative to mint, a squeeze of lemon or lime is also lovely!)
Sweet and Smooth-ie
- 3 cups of coconut water
- 1 cup of strawberries
- 1 cup of fresh water
- 1 cup of ice
- 1/8 teaspoon of sea salt
- 2 tablespoons natural sugar or honey, to taste
*Add to your blender and let it run until everything is thoroughly mixed together and the mixture is smooth.
- 2 cups honeydew chunks
- 1 lime, peeled
- 1 cup water
- 1 good pinch sea salt
* Juice the lime with a citrus juicer. In the blender, combine the lime juice with 1.5 cups honeydew chunks, 2 cups water and a pinch of salt.
About The Ingredients
Coconut water is often referred to as “Nature’s Gatorade.” It contains 13 times more potassium – an electrolyte needed for proper cell function – than Gatorade, plus twice the amount of sodium.
Raw honey is rich in minerals and easily digestible sugars, which can be used for energy. Sugar signals the body to down-regulate the production of stress hormones like cortisol. Cortisol levels spike during exercise and particularly during anaerobic exercise.
Sea salt is full of electrolytes and minerals. It plays an important role of balancing the stress hormones during exercise. Salt reduces adrenaline levels and supports overall metabolic health. Due to soil depletion many of us do not get enough trace minerals in our diet.
Freshly squeezed juices such as lemon, lime, and orange contain vitamins, enzymes and easily digestible sugars that help maintain energy during a workout, then help speed recovery afterwards.
Hope you have a great summer!