I practiced emergency medicine for many years. We know that acute inflammation is a good thing. We need it to survive! Some examples are a sore throat, hives, a broken leg from playing hockey (my Bodie is in a long leg cast for a Tib Fib fracture). And, thank goodness, Western Medicine does acute care really well!
The trouble occurs when inflammation runs out of control and becomes chronic. Overactive immune responses like allergies, asthma, autoimmune disease. But this chronic inflammation is the root cause of all illness: heart disease, obesity, diabetes, dementia and depression. And Western medicine often does not have the tools or the understanding to help with this type of chronic inflammation.
What Causes Chronic inflammation?
1. SAD – Our standard American diet is called the SAD diet – full of processed food with chemicals and preservatives and  very little produce.
2. Lack of exercise – Sitting still can kill you!
3. Stress – emotional & psychological is high right now with the state of our world currently
4. Hidden or chronic infections with viruses, bacteria, yeast or parasites
5. Hidden allergens from food or the environment.
6. Toxins such as mercury and pesticides
What Can I Do About This Chronic Inflammation?
Everyone is treating the downstream effects of chronic inflammation instead of addressing the causes. Integrative and Functional Medicine can help you get to the root cause and correct the systems imbalances to put you back on the tract to optimal health.
First, we identify the triggers. Then we help the body’s natural immune balance reset by providing the right conditions for it to thrive. There are good quality tests available to uncover these hidden triggers of chronic inflammation.
Our Fall Cleanse is a great way to begin this process with a systems reboot! We begin next week as a group with lots of support and instruction. Hope you can join us! Give Shelby a call at 303-333-1668 for more information.