We have set the clocks back, the holidays are just around the corner and you know what that means: Cold and flu season is upon us. My overall approach to prevent colds and flu: BOOST your immune system now. Here are 5 tips for keeping you healthy this flu season!
Take your Vitamin D
During the Colorado winters, we cannot get enough Vitamin D (Vit D) from the sun. Vit D is an important player in our immune response. Experts hypothesize that the reason for increase in colds and flu in the winter months is the relative lack of Vit D and our weakened immune system as a result.
A meta-analysis published in the British Medical Journal supports this theory. Researchers looked at Vit D supplementation and risk of acute respiratory tract infection. The study identified a significant risk reduction overall, but particularly in those with a Vit D deficiency at the start of the study (<25) who experienced a whopping 50% decrease with supplementation. I recommend 3000 IU daily in the winter months. Take with a fatty meal to ensure absorption.
Put a humidifier in your bedroom
This is really necessary in Colorado with our dry climate. The flu virus survives for longer periods at low relative humidity. In one study, the presence of a portable humidifier in the bedroom resulted in a 14% decrease in flu virus survival. And it led to a 20% increase in mean sleeping time.
Practice a healthy lifestyle
Eat a nutritious whole foods diet, drink 60 oz of water daily, exercise regularly and get your ZZZ’s. People who slept less than 7 hours per night had 35% higher chance of contracting the flu virus.
In a job with high people exposure? Get a flu shot
High exposure to the public increases your risk of contracting the flu. Especially if you are over 65 years of age.
Take Viracid at the first sign of cold or flu
This combination herbal/vitamin supplement is proven to halt the virus from replicating. Viracid may prevent the virus from taking hold or at least lessen severity and duration of symptoms. Call our office if you are interested in finding out more or purchasing a blister pack for single use. Radiance Functional Medicine 303-333-1668.
Wishing you Wellness throughout the Cold and Flu Season!
Dr. Tracy