Have you noticed an outbreak of illness right after the children go back to school? As a board-certified Emergency Physician for 27 years, I witnessed this trend each year. Then I became a parent and experienced this at home. First it was strep for a few years, then just a cold every September. The odd thing: even families without children get sick. These viruses and bacteria get “stirred up” and spread throughout the community.
Of course, fall allergies play a role as the respiratory mucosa becomes irritated and more prone to infection. If you suffer from fall allergies, I recommend using a Netti pot or NeilMed sinus rinses daily beginning in August. Vital Nutrients makes a great Quercitin formula “Aller C”. Add a teaspoon of local honey, and you are all set!
So how can we prevent the Back to School cold? The best way is to strengthen and fortify our immune system. This is especially important for children beginning 2 weeks before school bell rings for the first time! Vitamin D is very important for immune function. I recommend supplementing with 2000 IU for adults, 1000 IU for children over 10 and 400 IU for children under 10 years of age. Orthomolecular has a great line especially for children called Springboard. The Back 2 School Immune Protection Pack is a great addition for your supply list!
If you do catch the Back to School cold then begin Umkca right away. A member of the geranium family, the roots of Pelargonium sidoides (or umckaloabo) have been traditionally used as a respiratory ailment treatment by the Zulu and Basotho for hundreds of years. Then add in a few servings of homemade chicken noodle soup. You will feel better in record time!
Any of these supplements are available through an Integrative or Functional Medicine practitioner.
Stay Tuned: Radiance Functional Medicine opening October 2018
Here’s to a Healthy Fall!